The Summer Tournament is four weeks of golf on July 10, 17, 24, and 31.
Sign ups are our normal process and you can golf with whomever you like. Golfers with a GHIN membership are qualified to be considered for prizes, as long as they golf at least three times out of the four dates.
If you golf all four weeks, your best three scores will be considered for prizes. At the end of each golf game, turn in your card to be checked for being attested and for checking your score addition.
The categories are by flights A, B and C. Prizes are awarded for gross and net scores. Don't forget that in a tournament you count ALL strokes; you don't stop counting at nine per hole.
There are lots of opportunities to win – so get your three or four weeks of golf in, turn in your scorecards, and be ready to hear who the prize winners are at the luncheon after the Summer Scramble on August 14!