Instructions for posting a 9-hole round at Charbonneau on the GHIN app
To post your score after you play ...
Open the GHIN app on your Smartphone
Choose Post a Score
Directly under Select a Course, type in Charbonneau Golf Club. Several different options will pop up, and all of them are combinations. Choose any combination where the first course is the one you played. For example, if you played green, you can choose green/yellow or green/red.
On the next screen you can choose Hole-by-Hole or Hole-by-Hole with Stats. Posting with stats allows you to keep track of putts, fairways hit, and GIRs. Always use one of these options rather than the Total Score option.
The next screen defaults to 18 holes, so just click 9 holes, select the tees, which should be red – front 9 (this is where the app now knows you played green only). Starting Hole is 1. Score Type should be Home. If you have a GHIN at another course, this may default to Away, so you’ll need to change it to Home.
Click Enter Hole-by-Hole Score.
To post your score while you play ...
A fabulous feature of the GHIN app is the GPS, which works better than most handheld devices and allows you to post as you play.
To use this feature, open the app and at the bottom left click “Play with GPS/Games” then choose your course. On the next screen, choose the last option of Skip & Just Keep My Score, then select Hole by Hole or Hole by Hole with stats, as above, select 9 holes, the red/front 9 tees, Home, then Play with GPS. Not all of the Charbonneau courses are available for the GPS, but you can still post your score as you play. At the end of the round you will be able to review your score and compare it to the hardcopy card, then post.
If you have any questions about posting your score on GHIN, don't hesitate to get a hold of me. My contact information is in the LOLGC Membership Book. Thank you! —Barb Marold
P.S. You can also post your score, after the fact, on the GHIN website –